Simon’s Blog 2023
#Blog 1
Introduction to me
Thank you for joining me on my Blog. A chance for me to share with you how my life changed and the challenges I face, the positives, the daily highs and lows.
I’m Simon Slatter 43 years old……and I have a huge chip on my shoulder!
I have lived as a quadriplegic since 1995, following a horrific accident when I rode over a cliff on my push bike aged 15.
I was in a coma for 6 weeks and life was never the same again.
Whilst learning to live with this new life and way of living I was determined not to be beaten however tough my days might be.
I studied several courses at the National Star College, IT being my main course, passing at both certificate and Diploma levels.
I was at the college for four years, leaving there in 2005.
Blog #2
Finding Help
I returned to my home in Camelford, North Cornwall and decided to continue what I had started at College.
My Social Worker introduced me to a charitable organisation called Mid -Cornwall Lifestyles. I contacted them and also got in touch with the Cornwall Centre for Volunteers.
I knew that finding a work placement would not be easy and could take some time to arrange. Not letting this deter me I decided to keep my brain active by doing some more IT training and I contacted my local Adult Education Authority…….#selfmotivation #keepgoing
With the help of Lynn Biggs from Cornwall Centre for Volunteers and Amanda Harris from the Young Persons Lifestyles we tried to find me a work placement. It was really tough. I faced many rejections with many potential employers very concerned about accessibility and care needs. I persevered. I am NOT someone who gives up easily.
Blog #3
A glimmer of hope
Finally, after a roller coaster ride of rejections and emotions and many potential workplace discussions, I met with Dave Witts (head of ICT Department at North Cornwall District Council) My first interview at last! We talked about me and the skills I have that would make me suitable for a job and what I could bring to Dave and his workplace, plus what hours I would be able to work.
We eventually agreed that I would start on a voluntary basis so I could gain valuable work experience, make sure the job would work for me and for my future employer…. #keeppositive #determinedtomakethiswork
Blog #4
Getting started / Induction day
I remember my first day as if it was yesterday!
My new job! I felt both nervous and excited.
The day started with introductions to the team, staff and a brief tour of the building and workplace.
Initially I was overwhelmed. So much information to take in and worried that I may not remember everything.
In no time at all I felt like one of the team!
My hopes and vision for the future - To steadily increase my time at the council and use this work experience as a springboard into paid employment.
I love working in the IT department both because it gets me out out of my house , meeting new people, keeps my brain stimulated and give s me a purpose.
Blog #5
Make it happen….
The biggest message I can give to you is ….No matter what you are faced with, no matter what challenges life throws at you, no matter how much your life can change, NEVER GIVE UP.
Help, advice & support are out there. Take the time to find it and make anything possible.

Blog #6
Keeping a sense of humour
It’s so good to …..
Hopefully driving……not diving !!!
Kind of ironic!! Nearly as ironic as getting athletes foot ……
Blog #7
Life can be so tough..
Remember to smile at all times – the bad times and the good times!!
Blog #8
I couldn’t wait to share these photos with you all of a recent trip I went on. Life is for living regardless of the challenges you face. I also have the right support in place to ensure I can still be part of the things I love.
I had an amazing trip to Silverstone with a tour around the Silverstone museum, followed by a concert featuring Jess Glynne, Black Eyed Peas and Kalvin Harris.
What a day! Loved every minute.
Blog #9
It’s all about inclusion and enjoying celebrations with friends.
Just before Christmas I attended the Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles Christmas party. It was great fun and this was followed by an afternoon trip to The Eden Project.
With the help of my support worker I had a great afternoon spinning around on the ice rink in true Torville and Dean style !