Online Socials
Our weekly online zoom socials.
Our online Wednesday Socials via Zoom are going from strength to strength.
They bring us together each week: we laugh, we chat, we listen and we’ve made new friends.
We’ve also improved our computer skills too!
We meet each week at 11am – 12 on our computers, tablets or phones, all in the comfort of our own homes.
There’s help for everyone in getting online and joining in.
Each week there’s a fantastic programme ranging from guest speakers and presentations as well as in-house games and quizzes.
There is definitely something for everyone and the emphasis is always on HAVING FUN.
"There is something for everyone"
"We have so much fun"
"I meet different people"
Everyone is so friendly
"There is something for everyone" • "We have so much fun" • "I meet different people" • Everyone is so friendly
We shared our best gadgets ever on our Zoom social. From jar openers, de-bobblers, a colour changing boiled egg timer to a 1970’s Bakelite Kenwood Chef. We love them all!
What’s your favourite gadget?
If you tell me yours – I’ll tell you mine ….
Kresen Kernow – 15th March 2023
Tamsin gave us a brilliant talk and virtual tour courtesy of a new video that has been made of the centre situated in Redruth.
Once known as The Cornwall Centre, the Kresen Kernow is a free resource full of an incredible array of historical information about Cornwall.
David was interested in old recipes and ingredients, Aaron his family history and others pictures of where they lived etc.
We very much hope that we can visit the centre soon and in the meantime their website will keep us going as so many of the archives have now been digitalised.
Genie – Wednesday 8th March 2023
Today we were reviewers of the new Genie technology device which is being developed to assist disabled people.
Genie is a home desk top robot which can help you with daily reminders, making calls and using some apps.
Still in its infancy of development we hope that our feedback can be of some use in taking the Genie further.
The World’s Worst Gadgets - Wednesday 1st March 2023
A hilarious talk and picture show by David one of our regular Zoomers.
David made us all laugh showing us his top 12 world’s worst gadgets which went to production.
These ranged from a smell-a-vision mouse pad to a hand-held dishwasher!
It was the face lift massager which electrocuted and killed 6 people which must have been the worst.
Geevor Tin Mine – Wednesday 15th February 2023
Clint from Geevor Tin Mine gave us an excellent talk all about the history of Geevor Tin Mine.
We learnt about the miners and what life was like for the miners and their families.
Clint showed us artifacts, costumes and rock samples.
It was fascinating insight into our Cornish miners, some of whom are still alive today and living locally.
We very much hope that we can pay the mine a visit soon.
Client led social – Wednesday 8th February 2023
A brilliant day when two of our regulars took the helm and led the session.
Aaron’s camera wasn’t working but he did a gallant job and then Pete stepped in with his True or False quiz.
This is the start of our regular Zoomers leading some of the sessions – what an achievement!
Cornwall Library Service – Wednesday 1st February 2023
We had a super talk by Bude Library showing us everything we can borrow from our local library and online catalogue.
So much more than just books. There are audio books, ebooks, comics and books on prescription too.
All free through the online library and BorrowBox app.
We’ve already signed up a couple of clients and reserved some Western books
Social – Wednesday 18th January 2023
Today we were looking at online games we could play together on Zoom.
Lots to look into from Fibbage, Quibbage and Murder Party!
I have a feeling that David will be helping us a lot with these!
Social and quizzes - Wednesday 11th January 2023
So lovely to see everyone again after our Christmas holidays.
Lots of chat, a show of gifts (even the weird ones!) and a logo quiz.
Can you guess which logo is correct?
Christmas Party – Wednesday 21st December 2022
Today was our 3rd Christmas online party and a celebration of our 67th Zoom Lifestyles Social!
We welcomed back our two lovely friends Julianna and Victoria from the Humans team with the addition of Victoria’s baby bump.
The bump has been named as Baby Keith (guess who named it?).
Happy Christmas everyone!
Healthy Cornwall – Wednesday 14th December
This was our first ever real time rescue mission with flashing lights, day-glow and a brilliant internet connection!
Steve from Healthy Cornwall and Health Champion Nicky joined us from the back of Steve’s broken down van waiting to be rescued by a pick-up truck.
The show must go on! On the coldest day this year (-1c) these two brave souls in hats and gloves told us all about the local health hubs on offer in our towns.
An incredible resource (Pentreath Wellness Hubs) where anyone can go and get a general health MOT including blood pressure and blood sugars tested.
We’re even hoping to make our lunches a little more healthy too.
How the Internet works – Wednesday 7th December
Our very own Lifestyles experts David and Pete gave us a superb introduction and fools guide to how the Internet works and how code is written to create websites.
We learnt about how the Internet started in a brilliantly simplistic analogy if the world only consisted of 4 houses!
David provided the shocker of shockers during our conversation about cookies – bathroom weighing scales that had an inbuilt camera with photos being uploaded to the web!
David has promised to lead another session on “the worlds worse gadgets!”. I can’t wait.
Social History by The Kitchen Front – Wednesday 30th November
Clair gave us an amazing talk and insight into what life was like in Cornwall during the years around second world war.
Clair read us some first-hand accounts of the mischief and tales she’s captured from locals of what life was like in Bude.
Incredible stories of determination, resilience and love shone through.
Did you know that rationing went on for 12 years? I didn’t!
Quiz day – Wednesday 23rd November
Pete one of our wonderful Lifestylers saved the day when our guest speaker unfortunately couldn’t make it at the last moment.
As a team effort I must admit we were pretty good at the quizzes! We’ve even got pretty good at screen sharing too!
Cost of Living information – Wednesday 16th November.
An in-house production today and Becky gave us a thorough look into what benefits and help our Lifestylers and Support Staff might be entitled to in these more difficult times financially.
From social broadband tariffs, WaterCare, WaterSure and domestic oil heating vouchers – we covered them all!
Community larders, warm spaces and food banks are just some of the local initiatives that might be in your area.
There is a lot of help out there for anybody who is struggling to heat homes and make ends meet - so do get in touch.
Bat Conservation Trust – Wednesday 9th November
Today Hannah zoomed in from Battersea in London to give us an incredible insight into the world of bats. Our first out of county guest speaker!
Did you know that bats are the only animal with the true power of flight and their wings are actually hands with webbed fingers?
3 of our Lifestylers took part in the national Night Watch survey recording with an ultra sound bat activity over one evening.
Cornwall has 12 of the 18 bat species living in the UK and it was great to see our results played a very important part in this survey.
Lifestyles Social - Wednesday 2nd November
Frauds and Scams
Laura from Nat West came back and revisited us to keep us all updated on the latest frauds and scams that are going around.
Everyone is at risk of being scammed. 53% of scam victims are over 55 but that means that 47% of victims are much younger!
In 2021 £1.3 billion was lost to scams!
Impersonation scams are still the biggest – scammers pretending to be someone they are not eg HMRC, DWP etc
Recent ones have been the “mum and dad” whatsapp scams asking for money and more recently scams from Argos. Watch out.
Remember to always Take Five. Think and take you time. Only a scammer will rush you.
Our 60th Zoom Lifestyles Social!
On Wednesday 2nd November we celebrated our 60th Zoom Lifestyles Social!
857 of our Lifestyles clients, friends and carers have joined us online, along with so many great guest speakers and organisations.
Who would have thought that from our very first online Christmas party in 2020 during Covid times, that we’d be celebrating our 60th meet up two years later and planning our 3rd Zoom Christmas party!
It has been a wonderful way each week to help combat isolation, make new friends and at the same time learn about lots of new things.
If you’d like to see what we do – please get in touch with us. We’d love to see you.
Lifestyles Zoom Social – Wednesday 19th October
Reporting crime online
Unfortunately we will all probably be a victim of, or see a crime being committed at some point in our lives
Today’s in-house session was all about how we can report non-emergency crimes either by dialling 101, going to a police station or reporting online.
Crimestoppers will also allow you to report certain crimes anonymously.
It’s not only the police that can enforce the law but others such as Dog Wardens and Cornwall Council etc
Did you know what the most common problem in Cornwall is? It’s anti-social behaviour.
Can you think of what might be classed as anti-social behaviour?
Lifestyles Zoom Social – Wednesday 12th October
A Bees Life!
We were treated to an amazing talk by Zoe from the Cornwall Beekeepers Association.
We learnt so much about Honey Bees from an expect Honey Beekeeper.
Did you know the Queen Bee lays up to 2,000 eggs a day?
The Queen is so busy laying eggs that she doesn’t have time for anything else. She won’t even feed herself!
Did you know Drone bees are male and don’t have stingers whilst Worker bees are female and can sting!
Lifestyles Social – Wednesday 5th October. Cornwall Beaver Trust
Chris Jones from the Cornwall Beaver Project joined us for a fascinating insight into his Woodland Valley Farm near Ladock and what he is doing to reintroduce beavers to the area.
Two beavers were introduced to the area in 2017 and immediately got to work building their dams!
The beavers have made a massive difference to the rate of rainfall run off, helping to keep the rainfall and stream discharge on the land for longer, rather than rushing out to sea.
The increase in diversity and introduction of new plants and species in these wetter habitats has been staggering.
Chris has also made an accessible walkway in the wetland area so that the beavers can be viewed more easily by everyone.
He’s even promised to take us down in his tractor if for any reason we can’t use the walkway!
Cornwall Beaver Project | Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Wednesday 7th September – meeting new friends from CEDA
Today we welcomed new friends from the charity CEDA (Community Equality Disability Action) from Exeter.
It was lovely to be able to share our morning with CEDA’s Enablers Dionne and Polly and 6 of their members.
We played games and a music quiz and said ‘hello’.
The joy of digital technology means that we can meet with groups far away – even in Devon!
Why do our clients like our Zoom Socials? What do they get out of them? Why do they come back each week?
Lifestyles Zoom Social – 6th July 2022
Music Quiz
We have some Lifestylers who are very good at their music knowledge so Pete tested us out!
We tried to guess Pete’s all time favourite guitarists on a brilliant picture quiz he made for us.
And we all love the music quiz on You Tube which plays 5 second samples of tunes from the 1960s – 2020s.
We have 10 seconds to try and name the song and artist.
David was so good he had to be banned to give us all a chance!!
8th June 2022 – Lifestyles Zoom Social
Jerry from Disability Cornwall joined us today and talked about the amazing support Disability Cornwall offers.
But we gave Jerry a surprise he wasn’t expecting!
Our client’s parrot made an off screen vocal appearance today making Jerry blush!
We owned up – it wasn’t us who wolf whistled at him – it was Jackie the African parrot!
Disability Cornwall offers a whole range of services offering support and guidance.
DIAL (Disability Information and Advice Line) is a fantastic free telephone service offering advice and support.
DIAL – 01736 759500 / 07522 970336
Just a reminder that over the summer our Zoom Socials will be once a month.
They will be on the first Wednesday of the month so the next one will be on Wednesday 6th July at 11am
Social dates for your diary:
Wednesday 6th July
Wednesday 3rd August
Wednesday 1st September
Wednesday 5th October and then every week until Christmas.
Lets take a look back together at the last 6 months of Zoom social fun !
Click on the video box and take a look back at the new friendships, new skills, new knowledge, games and quizzes which make our Zoom socials a huge part of our week. Connecting people and combatting loneliness together.
Your participation has been fantastic!
Zoom Social 18th May 2022
An Away-Day!
Not my usual backdrop for me – I was at one of our lovely client’s houses hosting the Social.
Getting ready for the Jubliee we played a quiz with everything 1952 related.
Who knew a gallon of petrol cost 22p in 1952!
Where was Elizabeth when she found out she was to be made Queen?
And what’s happened to Ed?!
Zoom Social – Wednesday 11th May 2022
Sound Mapping by Rosi.
Rosi was amazing and showed us the beauty of the everyday sounds around us which create our sound scape.
Dedicated to the cause, Rosi took off her shoes and socks and actually got into her bubbling brook whilst still live streaming!
Carefully listening to our everyday sounds can be very soothing. Birds chirping, leaves rustling, water boiling …
Have you listened to Secret Sounds on Pirate FM? We did our own version.
None of us guessed Aaron’s money jar!
Wednesday 27th April Lifestyles Social
Viki from Access Cornwall came to talk to our group today and is one of the instigators of the Access Cornwall website.
Access Cornwall aims to be a really informative website highlighting accessible venues and places to visit, stay and eat in Cornwall.
Viki told us about Hippocampy – a wheelchair which can be submersed in the sea for anyone brave enough!
Our group were able to give many first hand stories of the good and the not so good accessible venues!
And the best bit is - everyone on the session has volunteered to be Accessibility Reviewers for Access Cornwall which is fantastic.
Lifestyles Zoom Social - Wednesday 20th April
We had the amazing David Wetherill visit us on Wednesday.
David is a 3 time table tennis Paralympian (2008, 2012, 2016) and European Champion (2017, 2019).
He was so passionate about his sport and it was really clear that being disabled certainly doesn’t have to stop you doing what you love.
David was an inspiration to us all and we loved watching his incredible diving shot at the London 2012 games.
We can even now say that we’ve all played table tennis with a Paralympian (on Zoom!).
But the big question is – will Ed’s table tennis improve after his top tips from the expert?
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
Lifestyles Social 6th April.
Today we welcomed Margaret, a volunteer trainer for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
Not only did we find out all about the amazing work these dogs are trained to do but we also saw one in action!
Welcome Chaz the Hearing Dog in training!
Chaz was adorable and on top form enjoying his treats. He alerted Margaret that her cooker timer had gone off.
Chaz also gave Margaret a different signal to say that there was danger by alerting her to the fire alarm sounding.
These Hearing Dogs and Sound Support Dogs are invaluable to their new owners becoming their ears and their best friend.
If you’d like to find out more about the charity’s work visit Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Zoom Social - Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Behind the scenes at the BBC
Pete gave us a fascinating insight into his time working for the BBC.
Starting from his first day back in 1971 we saw how the editing tools have changed over the years.
How the pictures actually get to us and an insight into the variety of the programmes the BBC produce.
Pete even had the privilege of meeting Sir David Attenborough! We saw photographic proof!
Lifestyles Social 16th March – Calling For Help and Medical ID on your phone
Did you know that calling 112 is the same as 999? Both call the emergency Services.
You can call emergency services without mobile credit and most of the time even without your network signal.
It is really important to set up Medical ID on your mobile. This highlights your emergency contacts and gives vital medical details about you.
Check out Medical ID on your Apple Health App or on an Android mobile download Medical ID.
Having your medical details easily available for others to see could save your life!
Zoom Social – 9th March 2022
Fascinating Frogs.
Alice from the Cornish Reptile and Amphibian Group (CRAG) gave us an incredible insight into our local amphibian pond life.
Alice is doing her PhD research on frogs and their skin health and we learnt about the funny antics of these little amphibians!
We learnt how to tell the difference between a toad and a frog, the different types of newt as well as unwelcome non native species.
We can help the research by reporting any amphibians we find to www.recordpool.org.uk
2nd March Social 2022
Gratitude and Wellbeing Workshop.
“The most extraordinary thing happened today. You won’t believe what happened ….”
We made up a fantastical story together led by Victoria from Disability Cornwall.
Victoria give us a really thought provoking and very funny workshop.
We passed and opened our own virtual presents to each other.
What would you like to receive?
Guide Dogs for the Blind
23rd February 2022
Helen gave us an amazing insight into the training of these remarkable puppies at our Zoom Social.
Helen is a Puppy Walker housing and training puppies from 7 weeks old until they are ready for their new visually impaired owners.
We heard about the wonderful stories of Sassy, JayPee, Grommet, Archie and Luna.
Drama for wellbeing social
16th February 2022
9th February 2022 Social.
The Energy Crisis.
Becky talked us through the ins and outs of the current energy price hike we’ll see in April.
Price rises aren’t going away but we can all just try and save a little bit more of our energy and save ourselves money.
What are your energy saving tips?
Making Scratch animations –
2nd February 2022
This week we shown into the wonderful world of computers by Jules from Disability Cornwall.
Jules helped us create our very own Scratch animation which we hope to host on our website soon.
We all recorded our voices saying what we loved about Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles and we’ll star in it with our own little “Sprite” character!
It was such fun!
****Brilliant start to February!******
Dear all,
I forgot to show you all at our Zoom Social today this great website and free postcard service to help us get a bit more active over the winter.
It is a get active campaign by Active Cornwall and Public Health Cornwall.
There are some great videos showing exercises you can do sitting down or standing up.
You can also sign up to receive “Physical Postcards” and you’ll be sent postcards in the post of some exercises and keep you motivated.
Check out their website below. Why not sign up to receive the postcards through the post too – better than a brown envelope bill!
My Possible Self
Wellbeing Social - 19th January
My Possible Self
Jules from Disability Cornwall led a super session on wellbeing apps at our Zoom social on 19th January.
My Possible Self is a free mental health wellbeing app recommended by the NHS and proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
The app uses interactive tools and techniques to help you deal with habits you want to change.
Download it and give it a go – you really CAN be your best possible self!
Prickles and Paws – The Hedgehog Rescue Team. 12th January
With the likelihood of extinction in only 50 years – visit Prickles & Paws (pricklesandpaws.org) to check out how YOU can help these little garden animals.
January 2022 - end of March 2022
Zoom Social and Skills dates.
Always held on a Wednesday at 11am throughout autumn and winter, come and join us for some fun and always to learn something new. At the same time you can meet new people and use your digital skills!
Dates for your diary
22nd December - Lifestyles hit 500 at virtual Christmas party!
Team Donkeys and Team Turkeys battled it out in the festive quizzes.
We have some top singers and donkey and turkey impersonators it seems!
Anything to score points!
We also celebrated our 500th zoom attendee since we’ve been zooming for exactly a year!
That deserves a big round of Christmas cheer!
15th December - Savvy shopping and saving money
At this week’s social we looked at how we can save money online.
Comparison websites can really save us money. We looked at the top 5.
Lifestyles has already saved one person nearly £500 on their car insurance!
That’s definitely something to shout about.
8th December - The BIG Gameshow!
Lifestyles hosted the Big Gameshow with teams joining us from South West Water and CC Digital Inclusion.
It was such fun! We battled it out over 5 games and I’m delighted to report that Lifestyles won!
We’d like to thank our visiting supporters who have enabled us to run our weekly Zoom socials.
They certainly could see the massive benefits they were having.
“Today was very entertaining and thoroughly enjoyed.” CC Digital Inclusion
“It was great to see everybody having such a great time online.” CC Digital Inclusion
2nd December - Financial wellbeing
The topic at this week’s Zoom social was Financial Wellbeing led by Laura from Nat West.
Another really informative session from Laura which looked at how our financial decisions are often driven by how we are feeling so we don’t always make logical choices!
We looked the benefits of budgeting (setting it and following it!) and the importance of seeking help and advice if we do get into debt.
There is help out there but only 1 in 6 people who are in debt seek any help and advice.
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau is always a good place to start.
1st December was our Monthly Pub Quiz
Which animal has the greatest range of vision?
A question from team Top Barkers. Do you know?
We didn’t but Team Eggheads did!
The Eggheads prove yet again to be unbeatable in our fun and relaxed Zoom pub quiz.
24th November Social
A brilliant session looking at the online NHS Website and Mobile phone App
Keeping our clients connected, aware and included with the fast changing digital support that is available.
17th November Social
Twit Twoo!
On Wednesday 17th Kay from the Screech Owl Sanctuary joined our online Zoom Social alongside 3 of his stunning owls; Honey, Spice and Precious. Kay’s talk was fascinating and his owls behaved extremely well for their debut screen performance! We all learnt so much about these beautiful birds. I had no idea how lazy they were. Too lazy to even build nests for their eggs! Thank you so much to the Screech owl Sanctuary and we can’t wait to come and visit you very soon.
10th November Social
At our weekly Zoom social, Lifestylers learnt about current frauds and scams.
Laura from Nat West Bank led a superb session and gave us examples of current scams going around and how we can protect ourselves.
We learnt to:
Take Five – Take 5 minutes to think. Only a scammer will rush you.
Never click on a link in a text or email.
Tell someone if you think you’ve been scammed. Never be embarrassed.
3rd November Social
We met the Gweek Seal Sanctuary!
Our weekly Lifestyles Zoom Socials and Skills sessions are now up and running and yesterday we had Chloe from the Seal Sanctuary in Gweek join us.
Chloe gave us a brilliant talk with slides and videos about the fantastic work the Seal Sanctuary does.
Chloe gave us a brilliant insight into the Sanctuary and it’s rescued residents!
If anyone would like to donate, sponsor or even adopt a pup/resident here is the link: https://sealsanctuary.sealifetrust.org/en/sanctuary-shop/ it can be done online or over the phone.
The Sanctuary send a lovely adoption pack with a small gift included to any that does choose to adopt.
We love a feedback email……..
“What a great bunch you are & such wonderful engagement from everyone! Groups like yours make my job a total pleasure.”
Guest speaker at one of our Zoom socials
Change them often, keep them private and never share them with anyone !
27th October social
How secure are your passwords?
At our first weekly Lifestyles Social and Skills sessions we looked at how to create a really strong password that hopefully even a clever computer couldn’t hack!
Keeping safe online and learning new digital skills will be the theme running throughout our Wednesday weekly programmes.
Wednesday 10th November we will be having a session on the most common Frauds and Scams.
We meet every Wednesday at 11am on Zoom. If you’d like to join us contact MCL
Our Winter 2021 Lifestyles Social and Lifestyle Skills Timetable - Come and join us!

Lifestylers in disguise!
How do we jazz up our Zoom box – with a wig and hat of course!
Impromptu hats, wigs, head gear and disguises have been hilarious.
Some of our Lifestylers have even created their own virtual backgrounds showing tropical beaches and an official looking Cornwall Council meeting room.
I know where I’d rather be - definitely the tropical paradise!

The Games We Play
You name it and we’ve probably played it at our socials.
Some of our favourites: Bingo, Scattergories, Catchphrase, Higher or Lower, 20 Questions and our weekly picture quizzes.
Hangman (when we can spell!) and the True and False game have also been a lot of fun. We even had a go at the Generation Game conveyor belt!
Lifestylers hit 100!
Our online socials have been so popular we have already passed our 100th attendance of clients and disabled adults.
I think we definitely deserve a centenary cake when we can all meet again in person!
Who’s a good cook?

Points make prizes!
Who knew we would all become so competitive?
Random points are dished out for turning up, dressing up, winning, loosing, taking part, pet appearances. You name it – we’ll give out points for it.
It has brought us together with a united aim – to win the coveted top prize.
(does anyone know it is only a certificate!)
Funny things.
You had to be there … but here are a few you might remember.
Ed’s dog barking in Bude when a doorbell went off in Penzance.
Joining in wading out of the lapping waves on a tropical paradise island.
The video we made for our funders and Becky getting the giggles.
Hat day. Hairy beards, Viking horns, pink cat ears, bags, saucepans and feathers …