Digital Inclusion
We are here to help both our clients and staff access the digital world and become confident users of digital technology through:
Provision of IT equipment, assistive technology and WiFi connectivity to enable our clients to become digitally included.
One-to-one computer training and on-going support to help clients access the Internet in a supportive and safe way.
Weekly online client Zoom socials. A place for us to laugh, socialise and meet each other safely.
Client led content on our social media outlets from visual tours to photo updates helps develop IT confidence.
Our Support Staff too are given IT support, training and equipment so that they are able to connect with their clients remotely. All staff have successfully undertaken their appraisals and training through The Careskills Academy online.
Easy Read Guides on using digital technology such as using DocuSign and Zoom.
Creation of Digital Champions who encourage and support our clients on the benefits that digital technology can offer.
With so many things in life now being done online we are here to make sure that everyone is digitally included.
Virtual Meeting Places - Weekly Socials and Pub Quizzes.
Actually seeing each other, laughing together and connecting face to face is so important.
That’s why at Lifestyles we have been hosting Weekly Zoom Socials for our clients which are proving really popular. We play games, have a laugh and make those all important connections face to face in a relaxed, friendly virtual environment.
In addition to the weekly online socials we are hosting the Lifestyles Virtual Pub Quiz each month, again via Zoom. Another opportunity for our clients to meet people, have fun and participate in a friendly virtual quiz game!
“Lifestyles Loan IT” scheme
We have been able to make sure that our clients and staff have access to tablets and WiFi helping us deliver our service in a new way.
Clients have been able to keep connected digitally to their Support Workers and our staff have managed to complete vital staff training online.
Funding from The National Emergency Trust and Cornwall Community Fund has allowed us to fund our “Lifestyles Loan IT” scheme which is proving invaluable in keeping us all digitally connected.