Packages of Support
‘Our vision is that everyone lives life to their tune’
We aim to be flexible and able to fill a niche other agencies can’t or won’t. We encourage you to get in touch and ideally talk to us. We can then tell you what we can do and what the costs will be. We use standard agency hourly rates but can and will be as flexible as we can.
Individual Support
Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles has specialised in Individual Support for many years providing services to people referred by a variety of agencies for all manner of support except personal care such as:
Cornwall Adult Social Care
Cornwall NHS Foundation Trust
Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group (KCCG)
We try to offer the flexibility and personalised approach in our service delivery that many other providers do not.
Direct Payments
Many of our clients use their allocated Personal Budget and choose to use Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles for their care and support.
We can offer a flexible service to suit individual needs and will work closely with other agencies to deliver an agreed care and support plan.
Currently we provide a number of support packages ranging from 7 days a week to weekly or monthly visits of 2 hours.
We also provide cover for when family main carers need their own break.
We invoice on a monthly basis by the hour at rates agreed.
Self Funding
Some of our clients fund their support themselves if they assessed as not eligible for financial support through a Direct Payment.
While we are a registered charity we do need to charge for our services and try to offer our clients a value for money service that includes extras such as access to digital equipment, support and advocacy while enabling us to pay and train our staff.
Befriending & Personal support
This area covers both the good things in life and assistance with sorting out a few necessary evils. It can include any or all of the following: shopping, sorting out bills, job hunting, writing letters, organising holidays, walking dogs, attending concerts, providing transport and support with GP’s, hospital and specialist visits, attending court, liaising with police and negotiating with other agencies.
"My son really looks forward to seeing our Support Worker. He loves him. He's brilliant."
“Really great support worker. She’s super”
4.7 / 5 stars for our Support Staff - 73% of clients rated our Support Staff as Excellent and 27% rated our staff as Very Good