Clients’ News
Take a look at the latest edition of the lifestyle magazine for people living with a long term health condition or disability, their families and carers in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by clicking HERE
Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles – supporting clients throughout Cornwall.
Going for a glorious walk on a sunny day and chatting over a cuppa.
We should have known Si was up to something when he decided that he wanted to lead the conference!
Top marks for straight driving!
The usual speedy Si was taking no chances as he carefully and slowly headed to our AGM at The Printworks in St Austell without getting wet.
Thankfully Ed knew his left and rights as he guided Si across.
Thanks to funding from The Good Things Foundation we have been awarded some reconditioned Ipad mini’s donated by Western Power Distribution to distribute to our clients.
These devices will be made very welcome in their new homes and will make using technology slightly easier with their larger screens, voice recognition and assistive technology features. There’s no excuse now Ewan!
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
It is FREEZING !!!
It may look beautiful and so seasonal outside, but it can also be really difficult to stay safe and warm.
Below are helpful links to advise in extreme cold weather conditions:
Calendar Creativity
Our recent photo project to create a Lifestyles 2023 calendar is turning up some wonderful creations photographed by our clients and staff.
Each week a theme word to photograph is sent out and then the photos start flooding in.
Last week the theme was “food” - and we’ve loved seeing the delicious, the funny and the artistic photos.
Here are just a few to whet your appetite.
It’s never too late to try new things!
One of our wonderful ladies took the plunge (literally) and went body boarding for the first time!
It was such fun and we certainly did a lot of laughing.
Invigorating and exhilarating all at the same time. The sea is such fun therapy.
It’s definitely worth pushing your boundaries – you never know what you’ll end up doing next!
On Top Of The World
It was definitely worth the climb and a first for our wonderfully adventurous client.
Sometimes the look of a uphill climb can put you off – but with teamwork and determination - the rewards can be spectacular.
The cliff top views overlooking Northcott Beach were stunning.
And what better way to reward ourselves with a cream tea at the café below!
Unchartered Territory.
This week we felt like intrepid explorers.
Our weekly walks have taken us to so many new and beautiful places.
Discovering new bridleways and getting up close to nature can be so uplifting and grounding.
Our only worries were whether we’d get through the greenery without getting stung!
We walked 3.5 miles - all through pathways and fields. Another brilliant achievement!
NightWatch is a new survey from the Bat Conservation Trust that uses cutting edge technology to discover the hidden world of night time wildlife living alongside us.
Volunteers can sign up for a free NightWatch pack and detect hidden bats flying past using the ‘AudioMoth’ ultrasonic recorder included in their pack – all they need to do is switch it on and set it outdoors.
On the same night, volunteers spend an hour over sunset watching and listening for night time wildlife from your garden, balcony or an open window. After the survey, volunteers get a bespoke report telling you all about the bat species living nearby. NightWatch is for everyone and no experience needed and is totally accessible as it can be carried out from home.
The Becky’s have signed up for theirs…. it would be great to compare our Nightwatch results!
Click here for more information on the Bat Conservation Trust
Cold water swimming.
This week it was too hot to walk so we had a plunge in the sea pool instead.
It was AWESOME and the first time for one of us in over 25 years!
We were on a roll and didn’t just stop at the sea pool – we then headed into the sea for some serious wave action!
Cold water swimming is so good for your body and mind – although we did choose a day when the water temperature was 15C!
Supposedly quite hot - but that was quite cold enough for me!
We might have looked like “two drowned rats” but it was such a great feeling and accomplishment.
Here he goes again !!!
Simon, one of our charity’s Trustees having a brilliant speed boating day out in Falmouth.
I think our Support Workers enjoyed themselves too!
Simon, one of our fantastic Trustees checking out Camelford skatepark event over the Jubliee weekend.
“The other day, I went for a walk with my carer, they had an event on at the local skatepark to celebrate the Queens Jubilee. I was surprised at how good the access was, and how incredibly helpful the staff were. They helped me to get onto a skate ramp and a half pipe, which I'd never done before.”
Brilliant photo Simon!
Did the earth move?
Thankfully not today! Bude’s historic Pepperpot or Storm Tower was our walking destination today.
Perilously close to the edge and being undermined by coastal erosion we made it our mission to see it before it fell into the sea!
And we absolutely SMASHED it – today’s walk clocked up 4.5 miles as well as walking to some beautiful local beach spots.
We even had a cup of tea on a boat!
Getting out and about is so invigorating and healthy too.
We love hearing about what our clients are doing and this feel good, outdoor walking adventure is just brilliant!
With ‘No Mow May’ and most hedgerows uncut the wildlife is literally on our doorstep. So, enjoy the sunshine and feel those ‘positive vibes’
Come and join Our monthly virtual pub quiz!
“If you asked for an oggy what would you be given to eat?”
On the first Thursday of the month our Lifestylers give their brains a workout in our virtual Pub Quizzes.
In November we gave ourselves our team names: The Markster, Top Barkers, The Eggheads, The Hustler, John Wayne and The Biltong Boys
Each team set 5 questions each and wow – did we learn a lot from gardening, South Africa, animals, science and TV.
Our reigning champion The Eggheads keeps first place – but for how long??
We meet the first Thursday in the month on Zoom and if you’re interested in some light hearted fun, lots of laughs and quizzing please contact Becky at MCL on 07494-894055
What a great day out on a fishing trip with the Wet Wheels Charity , Falmouth.
"There is something very special about being on the water. For someone with a disability, being at sea offers unparalleled freedoms. Your mind and imagination fill with things that didn’t seem possible."
Geoff Holt MBE DL, Founder and Trustee.
Wetwheels provides the opportunity for all disabled people, including those with profound and complex disabilities, to access the sea in a safe, stimulating and rewarding way on board specially-built, fully-accessible powerboats.
By offering the opportunity to experience the sea as active participants we build confidence and improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Amazon Smile
If you love online shopping Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles has signed up to Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases bought on Amazon to Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles charity.
Supporting us is easy. If you shop at Amazon just log into smile.amazon.co.uk and you’ll be directed to the same Amazon products with the same prices. The only difference is that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the value of your purchase to us.
Now that’s the kind of shopping we love!
Click on the link to sign up - Amazon Smile
Lifestyles Virtual Pub Quiz.
Our Virtual Pub Quizzes are held once a month via Zoom.
On the first Thursday of the month at 11am, Lifestylers, PHAB members and our friends have lots of fun trying to be the champion of the quiz questions!
At the moment Simon is our champion of champions!
There are questions for everyone with lots of different topics covered and only 5 questions per topic.
Co-hosted by one of our Lifestylers – we welcome anyone who’d like to join in to contact us.
Thank you for sending in your photos, we just love to see what you can do and are doing. There is some delicious looking Ragu sauce being cooked here using one of our Easy Read Recipe guides on the client section of our website.
We can almost smell the food !! Brilliant, keep the photos coming.

Lockdown Activities
Our clients have been keeping busy throughout Lockdown.
We might not be able to do the things we used to be able to do, but our Support Workers have continued to help our clients.
There has certainly been a lot of sorting, organising, painting, and crafting going on!
Our clients cooking and baking.
Some of our clients have been cooking and baking. Cooking from scratch can be so much fun and healthier too!
Kayleigh sent us photos of her making a baking this delicious mini egg cake. It looks yummy!
We have lots of recipes on our website so why not check them out by clicking on the the link below
Pets Corner
Who knew we had such an array of wonderful pets!
A big welcome to Gail’s incredible pets -
Jackie the African grey Parrot
Egor the Tortoise and Lady the Dog.
Beautiful Rocky and Charlie the mottled coloured dogs belong to Support Worker Julia.
But who would have known that pink unicorns really do exist?
Here at Mid-Cornwall Lifestyles we can make dreams come true! Here is Francis with his very pink pet !
Our client’s book sale
One of our clients is looking to raise some money for our Charity by selling some of his books.
Should you wish to purchase a book/make a donation then collection is free and postage costs per book is £3.10. Please use our contact page to place your order.
Road to Wellbeing courses at Cornwall College are now being held and can be enrolled on. check out the link below:
Course are free to those aged 19 and over and either on a low income or in receipt of benefits. People can either self-refer or can be referred via professionals. You can join the course at any point in the term as the intent is to help improve wellbeing whilst taking part in a learning activity so no experience is necessary.