

Keith’s book sale.

Keith, a client of Mid Cornwall Lifestyles is looking to raise some money for our charity by selling books. Starting with the four books detailed in the photo the details of prices and shipping are below for you.

Strange but True Ghost Sightings (Is there Life after death?) By Colin Wilson Price £1

The man with the Golden Gun 007 by Ian Fleming Price £7

School Mathematics Part 2 (With answers ) By H.E. Parr Price £1

The World Almanac and book of Facts 1992 edition Price £1

Should you wish to purchase a book/make a donation then collection is free and postage costs per book is £3.10. Please use our contact page to place your order.

Thank you


Road to Wellbeing courses at Cornwall College are now being held and can be enrolled on. check out the link below:

Course are free to those aged 19 and over and either on a low income or in receipt of benefits. People can either self-refer or can be referred via professionals. You can join the course at any point in the term as the intent is to help improve wellbeing whilst taking part in a learning activity so no experience is necessary.

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Our Charity news, our client successes, and our valuable links to our support sources will be celebrated in newsletters every other month. Look out for our next newsletter in March and click on subscribe at the top of this page to ensure you don’t miss out!

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Our client socials are going from strength to strength and we all here and Mid Cornwall Lifestyles look forward to our weekly connection together. This is an add on service to our client’s package and we have great fun!


Digital Inclusion funding.

Over the Covid 19 crisis we have had to find new ways of delivering a service remotely to our disabled clients. We were awarded some funding for 4 months in April 2020 from Cornwall Community Fund to increase the digital skills of our clients so that they could access their Support Workers and distanced family online.

It has been a big success with some clients now having regular computer lessons and others contributing weekly to our social media sites. Our Trustees all now meet online via Zoom both socially and for Trustee meetings and we have managed to make sure that all of our clients have the IT facilities they need to be able to go online should they wish to. 

The next plan – an online Christmas party!

Covid19 Emergency Funding

In April 2020 we were awarded some funding from the Cornwall Community Foundation to help support the additional costs associated with supporting our clients during the pandemic. This included help with PPE and additional mobile phone costs.

In November 2020 we received further rant funding support from the National Emergencies Trust to continue our digital inclusion work with staff and clients.

Disability Action Funding

In November 2020 we secured funding to allow us to continue to support our clients for a further 8 months until June 2021 and through the tough Covid winter period. This money will allow us to continue to deliver our digital inclusion programme of events which will include regular online social meetings for our clients to meet others, as well as personal help in IT support.

This funding has also enabled us to provide support for our Support Staff who are now embarking on their own on-line training programme through the recognized training provider Careskills Academy.

We discovered in the first Covid lockdown in March 2020 that may of our clients needed additional advocacy and support. This funding will enable us to provide this invaluable time providing support, advocacy, sign posting and advice when it is needed the most.